
Videogame Reviews

Spoiler-Free Review of The Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye

  Mystery and discovery is everything in The Outer Wilds.  As such, this review will be divided by the level of spoilers — separated into pages so you will not accidentally see the spoilers.  The levels are: Level 0: No spoilers, as much as possible. Like the game’s trailer, this is useful for setting your expectations Level 1: Beginning spoilers and vague early spoilers. Level 2: Mid-game spoilers and something you may have difficulty with. Level 3: My feelings about the ending; kept as vague as possible. Level 0   Echoes of the Eye is an excellent addition to The Outer Wilds that does…

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The Game I Never Knew I Always Wanted – Idol Manager Review

Introduction   “Idol Manager” is an excellent Management Simulator that scratches that Management Simulator itch the same way Kairosoft’s “Game Dev Story” did a decade ago. Its various gameplay features, visuals, and stats — visible and invisible —  all work in tandem to build an immersive facsimile of Japan’s idol industry that’s compelling to take part in. Gameplay   “Idol Manager” is, in dry and practical terms, a menu navigation game. As such, the fun is greatly influenced by the ease of use of the UI.   Fortunately, the central menu is comprised of charming, detailed pixel art that represents the physical components…

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